Saturday, September 11, 2010

How to Use Google AdWords

Using Pay-Per-Click Ads for Strategic Internet Marketing 


Using AdWords ads from Google is part of a successful Internet marketing strategy. It's one of the best Internet marketing tools to quickly drive traffic to a site.

Google AdWords is a way to create small, clickable text ads that are placed on other sites by Google. Advertising through AdWords is simple and may be highly cost effective, depending on a few variables.
AdWords is a way to run pay-per-click ads on both Google and on a large network of sites that run Adsense ad link units. That means that the small text ads seen on so many sites are placed there by Google advertising on behalf of individual advertisers using AdWords. Those ads also run on the right side of Google search results.
Each advertiser writes their own, short text ad to run in their AdWords Internet marketing campaign and a link to the advertiser’s site is included in the ad. Those ads are then placed on Google’s search results pages and on websites that have signed up to run AdSense ads and that have the advertiser's keywords on their websites.

Choosing the Best Keywords

The keywords that are chosen will determine where the ad will be placed and when it will come up in a Google search. Those keywords should be highly relevant to the site being promoted as well as being words that will be searched for often. The advertiser chooses their own keywords and AdWords suggests additional keywords relevant to the advertiser’s topic. The advertiser can choose one keyword or many to represent their ad.
Where the ad is placed depends on the quality score of the keyword. This score is determined by how relevant the ad is to the site on which it appears, the quality of the page that is linked to in the ad and how the ad has performed in the past.

The Cost of AdWords

The cost of using this advertising method isn't fixed. The price changes day to day based on how many people are advertising with the specific keywords. The advertiser's AdWords account is charged each time someone clicks on their ad. The price they pay is then the price per click of each of their chosen keywords. The quality score also affects the price paid for each click.

AdWords advertisers are pitted against each other for ad placement and click costs. The advertiser chooses the maximum they are willing to pay for each click and Google bids up to that amount on behalf of the advertiser. Those bids determine when and how often an ad is placed. The more popular the keyword, the more advertisers will be using it for their ads and the higher the price for each click will be for that word.
The activation fee to begin with Adwords is $5. Advertisers have the option of pre-paying for their ads or post-paying. The pre-payment method has a minimum of $10 per month. The advertiser puts at least that amount into their AdWords account in advance and the cost for each click is deducted from that pre-payment.
With post-payment, the advertiser's AdWords account is billed as soon as their cost reaches $50, or 30 days have passed, whichever happens first. Google suggests starting with a budget of at least $50 US per month, but it is not required.

The Benefits of AdWords

Depending on the exact keywords chosen, the cost may be very low. The minimum rate can be as low as one cent/pence per click. The advertiser is also in control of their ads, choosing how much they will spend on advertising and exactly what their ads will say. AdWords is an Internet marketing strategy that has the potential for an enormous number of ad impressions for a low price if the keywords are chosen well.

AdWords Campaign Management

To be successful with an AdWords campaign, it is important to manage the results of the ads. This means watching the click-through rates and noting how much traffic was brought to the website through the ads. Most AdWords advertisers tweak their campaigns by changing words or the advertising budget in order to get better results.

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