Sticky posts in blogger blogs are like featured posts in wordpress. By default your blog homepage shows recently published posts but you can keep a certain post as your sticky post and which will stay above all other blog posts. This is great to highlight your best or an important post. This sticky post will be there above all posts no matter how many new posts you publish. All your new posts will get arranged below that sticky post automatically. Earlier bloggers used to publish a post on a future date to activate this sticky post on their blogger blogs. For an example if you schedule a post to get published on 13-12-2009, this post will be there as the sticky till 13th december 2009. Blogger was not supporting scheduled posts and as a result that post would be there till that scheduled date. But Blogger fixed this bug a while ago and this trick is not working anymore.
So, we have to follow any alternative method to make a post sticky post. Well, we can’t call this a sticky post exactly, because this will not be a post though it will stay above all your blog posts. This can be done with a simple HTML edit. You can also change that sticky contents frequently. You will be having total control over that. Lets discuss about it in details.
1. Navigate to Page Elements >> Edit Template
2. Search for the following code in your template
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>.
This code is for the post section. We can edit this code to add another gadget on our post body.
4. You have to change NO to Yes in the above code. That means after editing the code it should look like
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
Save the template.
5. Now navigate to Page Elements and you can notice a new Add a Gadget option there above your post contents. Check out the below screenshot.
6. You can use either TEXT or HTML/Javascript gadget to write your post and then save. This will show your text above all your blog posts.
7. You are done.
So, we have to follow any alternative method to make a post sticky post. Well, we can’t call this a sticky post exactly, because this will not be a post though it will stay above all your blog posts. This can be done with a simple HTML edit. You can also change that sticky contents frequently. You will be having total control over that. Lets discuss about it in details.
1. Navigate to Page Elements >> Edit Template
2. Search for the following code in your template
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>
3. Now inside the above code you can find a code <b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>.
This code is for the post section. We can edit this code to add another gadget on our post body.
4. You have to change NO to Yes in the above code. That means after editing the code it should look like
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
Save the template.
5. Now navigate to Page Elements and you can notice a new Add a Gadget option there above your post contents. Check out the below screenshot.
7. You are done.
This is how you can make a sticky post on blogger blogs.
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